
We have over 5,000 happy clients! Our tax consulting service is provided to self employed individuals, small businesses, and organizations seeking specialized guidance on their tax matters.

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What we
can do for you

We teach you how to manage taxes licenses and permits
Every dollar to create your business qualifies as tax write off. And since every state fee and requirement to create your business are deductible.
We show you how to manage tax expenses
Transportation: Cost of airfare, train ticket, bus ticket or whatever means of transportation that is necessary to reach your destination is tax deductible.
We show you how to manage deductions for your home office
The great thing about your home office is, it allows you to write off a portion of your shared expenses, as well as rent/mortgage interest, HOA fees and utilities.
We show you how to manage cleaning, repairs and maintenance
If you are successful enough to have a cleaning service for your home, your office will be cleaned too. Repairs to the home office also deductible.